Our Mission

Hello there and welcome to our life! And if you are here then dogs must be a huge part of your life as well. We are not just another grooming shop, we started on this journey a long time before we even had a name for this place. We started with a DREAM! A dream that all the dogs could have the care and love that they need and deserve. We would even go as far to say we give a voice to the voiceless. Dogs are a huge part of our lives. We make great memories, go through hard times, play, laugh, love, everything with dogs. They are there for anything we need them for. So why shouldn’t we be there for them as well? Our lives may go on after our dogs are gone but we will be there for their entire life.

So welcome to our dream made reality! Our mission is simple, give the best care, best love, best everything to our furry companions! When they feel great, we feel great!

We want to change the way the grooming industry works. Most do it for a job. Some do it just for money. We do it for the pets well-being! We do it for the love. WE DO IT FOR THE PETS! Here at Pretty Paws it truly is WHERE THE PETS COME FIRST!

Our groomers work to educate our clients (Human and pet). From tips and tricks at home to table manners at the shop. And we believe that education is the first step in the well-being of a pet. Hopefully with our great customers and our drive we will be able to minimize pets in shelters and on the streets. We want all dogs to have a great and caring home. We think they deserve it. Maybe one day we can have classes to teach about proper care for dogs! But until then we will keep taking care of these dogs one at a time until there is no dog left behind!

Thank you for taking the time to read about our mission. We really hope that even if you don’t find your place with us that you will find a place that is a great fit for your pup. Once again its not about the money. We want your dog to be happy and healthy no matter where they are groomed.